Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tension Relieving


I'm a procrastinator. I usually delay projects to the last minute.

I have a ten minute presentation tomorrow evening and needed to

work on it all week end.

The British Open was on the tube most of the morning. I cut the

grass and performed many "BUSY" tasks all day.

A very profound lady said on a teaching program this week;

"Our actions are either "Tension Relieving" or "Goal Achieving".

WOW!!!!!!!! In the middle of cutting the grass today that

statement slapped me up a long side of my head. Here I am,

doing the worst activity I can think of and yet it was a way to

relieve the tension of having to prepare for my presentation.

After all the grass must be cut, and what better time then now.

I'm a motivated guy and yet I'm am so easily distracted from

activities which are much more beneficial to my future because

of the comfort factor. She also said; "Successful people are

committed to results, unsuccessful people are committed to comfort."

Learning every day!!!!!



LoriOnMaui said...

Getting out of your comfort zone is so important - and so difficult! It is amazing what we tell ourselves to avoid the things that make us uncomfortable. Avoiding pain is a bigger motivator than getting pleasure in too many cases. Good luck to you CW. Lori On Maui

BeHappy said...

Hi CW .. how surprising another lady .. picked up this post. I absolutely agree .. doing things that 'need to be done'? - rather than getting on & achieving the goals we've set ourselves. It's one step at a time .. but we need to take that step each day, perhaps two or three a day .. if we get on a roll (& we will) - here's to it. I like your Sylvers - billionaires - lets get to it! - Hilary