Saturday, October 24, 2009

Self Improvement?

Make a Decision=Self Improvement

There is a great gap between hoping and wishing for a change to occur in your life, and aggressively pursuing the decision to initiate change in your life. You have or don't have everything in your life that you want; if you want it bad enough you make a decision to do what is needed.

You remember your New Year resolutions? These are not decisions, they are the products of wishful thinking. People who indulge in wishful thinking will probably not succeed in initiating change in their life. They believe that if the wishes come true they will become happier but the chances that that will happen are quite small. The odds are about as great as winning the lottery.

Decisions are quite different. A person who makes a decision is fed up with his current conditions and is willing to take steps to actively get what he or she wants. He or she is ready to do his homework, maybe consult a professional, create a plan of action, and then proceed to undertake extensive and consistent steps to make changes; For Things to Change first I Must change! Decisions require 100% of our commitment. We also have to be ready to make follow-up steps regardless of the demands on us.

Our current status in life is based on decisions we pursued in the past, or maybe the lack of it. Some people flit about from lackluster decision to bad decision or perhaps even dodge making decisions altogether. Such people find their lives have turned out not to their satisfaction but should realize that they could get the best out of their lives if they only chose to make the decision to change. It all starts with one decision.

Those who start changing their lives positively and and want reap greater success and happiness; there are many tools available to them. They may rely on coaching programs, seminars, audio programs and self-improvement books to help them through the process of change. The Internet and libraries have the wisdom of the world ready to be accessed at little or no cost.

The people who maintain control over their minds and their emotions are the ones who are the most fulfilled in this life. Such people have a conditioned response to make decisions – after they have decided, they do not reconsider their decision. Such people are always looking for ways to improve themselves and are aware that regardless how good they think they are, there is always room for improvement. Such people know that happiness and fulfillment is based on their consistent growth and contribution based on self-improvement ideas. They realize failure is just an educational process; you get up one more time than you get knocked down.

There is power behind a truly committed decision. This is the key to the self-improvement idea. But most of us find it hard to stick to a decision since life is a struggle to change our lives and steer our ship to the desired destination..

Take control of your decisions and you take control of your actions. A truly committed decision allows you to devote your energies to the outcome you envision in your mind.
Decide........... TODAY
Act............ TODAY
Accomplish Your Dreams...........In Your Lifetime


Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

It does come down to making that choice and moving forward. It is time to take that imperfect action that starts us on our journy to find that perfection. Perfection is in the journy. We have to take those first steps to even get were we want to be. So take the steps.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Anonymous said...

Hi CW .. self-improvement in all areas is so important and acknowledging that we need to change is a big learning curve.

There are so many ideas out there, but it is as you say taking that first step to action & each day another step towards accomplishment.

Thanks - Hilary

Anonymous said...

You have given nice things how we can do self improvement.