2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004,.......2000. Will 2010, for you, bring more power and joy to your life then recent years. Do you remember your New Years resolution in 2004? How's that workin' for you? And as multiple 365 days "slide show" by, are the weeks and months remarkably similar those prior. What is it that keeps us cemented to the Status Quo?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
For Things To Change........
2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004,.......2000. Will 2010, for you, bring more power and joy to your life then recent years. Do you remember your New Years resolution in 2004? How's that workin' for you? And as multiple 365 days "slide show" by, are the weeks and months remarkably similar those prior. What is it that keeps us cemented to the Status Quo?
Monday, December 28, 2009
For Things To Change......
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Gift Wrapped
Monday, December 21, 2009
There's Work To Do!
Watching the news on the tube, reading the paper and cruising the web; I see and hear of children who are accidentally killed by stray bullets; young and old alike who die at ages and times in their life when all seemed wonderful and their future bright. Good people leading commendable lives. Lives cut short by an accident, a single odd event that instantly ends the promise of a future filled with life and love.
Then I review the sixty years this one hundred eighty five pounds of fragile flesh and bone has walked, driven and flown on the earth. I am humbled to reflect on my surviving seven major automobile accidents, three hundred fifty nine days in Vietnam in 1968 and an engine blowing up on a commercial jet aircraft on which I happened to be strapped into a window seat. If people really knew what a piece of crap human being I was at the time I was in Vietnam and at the time I was involved in the first four of the auto accidents, anyone would have traded my worthless hide for any one of the unfortunate individuals described above. The only truth must be; I have much work to do that only I can perform, just as there is a earthly task on which your name is engraved.
Now, as a man of God, I know it’s really not my life. It is a gift given to me to use for God’s purposes. I have never believed in coincidence. Les Brown says; "Coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous." I feel I have a huge responsibility to use the remaining sixty to ninety years on this sphere to accomplish great things for the good of those who I will be privileged to come in contact. To be a vessel which massive amounts of money flows through to support and fund people and projects all over the earth. God did not allow me to survive all I’ve had the opportunity to experience, He did not overlook the lives I left in my wake only for me to live a lavish lifestyle.
Even at the time of each incident I believed the experience was to become part of a story to be told later. I’ve never ever thought I would die. During the plane incident I had this vision that if the plane crashed I would be the one found strapped into my seat in the middle of a corn field. My only real fear in Vietnam was I would be wounded during a time when I was at a place, let’s say where a good married soldier should not be, and my mother and my wife would find out.
If ones core belief is that you will be at least one hundred twenty years old (that’s me) than how can you die in a car accident at eight, twenty two, twenty four, thirty, thirty one, thirty two or fifty eight? When you get orders for Vietnam you may get upset for the loved ones in your life but knowing you’ll return it becomes an adventure. When you hear explosions behind you on the plane and it shudders you pray and think about the wild ride that’s about to happen. I have been truly blessed in the sense that I’ve always looked at my life as an adventure.
I can honestly say I’ve never had a bad day in my life. I’ve had sad days I've had tragic days; days that the challenges seem overwhelming. Times when I wished I could either rewind or fast forward; but never a bad day, they're too valuable. You learn from the day. It’s a twenty four hour deposit into the total which becomes a life. And my total has taken me from growing up in an incredibly loving family, I was Denny Weaver. Through the mid part of life when God hit me up along the side of my head with a two by four a few times; I took on my christened name of Curtis Weaver; and recently the new birth as “CW”. God's good.
I love my life and writing this I realize I always have.
Friday, December 18, 2009
To grow spiritually in a world defined by power, money, and influence is a Herculean task. Modern conveniences such as electronic equipments, gadgets, and tools as well as entertainment through television, magazines, and the web have predisposed us to confine our attention mostly to physical needs and wants. As a result, our concepts of self-worth and self-meaning are muddled. How can we strike a balance between the material and spiritual aspects of our lives?
To grow spiritually is to look inward.
Introspection goes beyond recalling the things that happened in a day, week, or month. You need to look closely and reflect on your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and motivations. Periodically examining your experiences, the decisions you make, the relationships you have, and the things you engage in provide useful insights on your life goals, on the good traits you must sustain and the bad traits you have to discard. Moreover, it gives you clues on how to act, react, and conduct yourself in the midst of any situation. Like any skill, introspection can be learned; all it takes is the courage and willingness to seek the truths that lie within you. Here are some pointers when you introspect: be objective, be forgiving of yourself, and focus on your areas for improvement.
To grow spiritually is to develop your potentials.
Religion and science have differing views on matters of the human spirit. Religion views people as spiritual beings temporarily living on Earth, while science views the spirit as just one dimension of an individual. Mastery of the self is a recurring theme in both Christian (Western) and Islamic (Eastern) teachings. The needs of the body are recognized but placed under the needs of the spirit. Beliefs, values, morality, rules, experiences, and good works provide the blueprint to ensure the growth of the spiritual being. In Psychology, realizing one’s full potential is to self-actualize. Maslow identified several human needs: physiological, security, belongingness, esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization, and self-transcendence. James earlier categorized these needs into three: material, emotional, and spiritual. When you have satisfied the basic physiological and emotional needs, spiritual or existential needs come next. Achieving each need leads to the total development of the individual. Perhaps the difference between these two religions and psychology is the end of self-development: Christianity and Islam see that self-development is a means toward serving God, while psychology view that self-development is an end by itself.
To grow spiritually is to search for meaning.
Religions that believe in the existence of God such as Christianism, Judaism, and Islam suppose that the purpose of the human life is to serve the Creator of all things. Several theories in psychology propose that we ultimately give meaning to our lives. Whether we believe that life’s meaning is pre-determined or self-directed, to grow in spirit is to realize that we do not merely exist. We do not know the meaning of our lives at birth; but we gain knowledge and wisdom from our interactions with people and from our actions and reactions to the situations we are in. As we discover this meaning, there are certain beliefs and values that we reject and affirm. Our lives have purpose. This purpose puts all our physical, emotional, and intellectual potentials into use; sustains us during trying times; and gives us something to look forward to---a goal to achieve, a destination to reach. A person without purpose or meaning is like a drifting ship at sea.
To grow spiritually is to recognize interconnections.
Religions stress the concept of our relatedness to all creation, live and inanimate. Thus we call other people “brothers and sisters” even if there are no direct blood relations. Moreover, deity-centered religions such as Christianity and Islam speak of the relationship between humans and a higher being. On the other hand, science expounds on our link to other living things through the evolution theory. This relatedness is clearly seen in the concept of ecology, the interaction between living and non-living things. In psychology, connectedness is a characteristic of self-transcendence, the highest human need according to Maslow. Recognizing your connection to all things makes you more humble and respectful of people, animals, plants, and things in nature. It makes you appreciate everything around you. It moves you to go beyond your comfort zone and reach out to other people, and become stewards of all other things around you.
Growth is a process thus to grow in spirit is a day-to-day encounter. We win some, we lose some, but the important thing is that we learn, and from this knowledge, further spiritual growth is made possible.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
“The Most Expensive Real Estate in the World”
I once asked the question of a mentor of mine; what is the most expensive piece of real estate in the world. Is it in New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Washington, DC; where do you believe it sits I questioned. He stated with great confidence that he knew exactly which parcel of land was worth more than all others; in fact there isn’t even a close second. I thought if that was the case, than I should surely know of this property; I didn’t have a clue of the property of which he spoke. “In fact, if you have a few minutes I can drive you there now.” We were in a decent part of town , but a few minutes from the costliest dirt on earth, I was skeptical to say the least?
On the short trip all looked very familiar ; left turn, right turn, another right and a slow left into a place I have passed two or three times a week for years. Here we are he explained, property which the cost is impossible to tabulate. Wait, I questioned, this is the local cemetery, and as cemeteries’ go there many nicer ones in town than this. His answer; and they are equally as valuable. How so I questioned?
There are thousands upon thousands of individuals buried beneath the soil. And I’ve concluded the riches they took to their grave are incalculable.
When ceremoniously placed in the ground they took with them unwritten books. With them went the unsung songs, the plays that would move audiences to tears or to shouts of great joy; businesses that never saw the light of day; inventions never put on paper and into production. So many great discoveries in science and medicine that would save untold lives; pain tings and sculptures we will never be able to gaze upon. Buildings that would change the landscape of time never built. All just dreams that died with the selfish individuals placed in these graves. Untold fortunes never acquired because these cowards took their riches with them.
Cowards, a bit harsh don’t you think? Yes cowards, he shouted at me. He continued; because of their fear of what their family or friends may say if they dared share the dreams they held inside, sliding between the sheets each night envisioning what could be but never uttering a word to the world. Holding tight to their jobs believing security in employment is a worthwhile goal; exchanging their very life for a job. Mesmerizing their own minds with the trivial entertainment of the television and the dribble Hollywood provides; watching others live their dreams, and perfect their crafts while theirs died on the vine. Cowards I say; living in the greatest land ever to exist on earth; a land where everything is possible to those who will not be stopped be the nay-sayers and dream killers.
There are three types of people in this world, he went on. Risk Takers; these are the pioneers of life. Care takers; these yappers’ are the nay-sayers who say to the Risk Takers it can’t be done, and then we have the Under Takers; the walking dead who are not yet in the ground.
I’m sorry for the tirade he sheepishly murmured. It’s just as I watch my family and friends waste their talents. As I listen to the rubbish that passes for conversation; it’s sobering to me knowing what gifts they have laying dormant within their hearts and minds. And they’re allowing the enemy, fear, to steal their very destiny; the very reason they were placed on this earth at this place in time. Shame upon shame, they too will contribute to the great wealth lying just beneath the soles of our feet.
“You don’t get what you deserve in life, you get what you design. Design a life that matters.”
I once asked the question of a mentor of mine; what is the most expensive piece of real estate in the world. Is it in New York, Paris, Hong Kong, Washington, DC; where do you believe it sits I questioned. He stated with great confidence that he knew exactly which parcel of land was worth more than all others; in fact there isn’t even a close second. I thought if that was the case, than I should surely know of this property; I didn’t have a clue of the property of which he spoke. “In fact, if you have a few minutes I can drive you there now.” We were in a decent part of town , but a few minutes from the costliest dirt on earth, I was skeptical to say the least?
On the short trip all looked very familiar ; left turn, right turn, another right and a slow left into a place I have passed two or three times a week for years. Here we are he explained, property which the cost is impossible to tabulate. Wait, I questioned, this is the local cemetery, and as cemeteries’ go there many nicer ones in town than this. His answer; and they are equally as valuable. How so I questioned?
There are thousands upon thousands of individuals buried beneath the soil. And I’ve concluded the riches they took to their grave are incalculable.
When ceremoniously placed in the ground they took with them unwritten books. With them went the unsung songs, the plays that would move audiences to tears or to shouts of great joy; businesses that never saw the light of day; inventions never put on paper and into production. So many great discoveries in science and medicine that would save untold lives; pain tings and sculptures we will never be able to gaze upon. Buildings that would change the landscape of time never built. All just dreams that died with the selfish individuals placed in these graves. Untold fortunes never acquired because these cowards took their riches with them.
Cowards, a bit harsh don’t you think? Yes cowards, he shouted at me. He continued; because of their fear of what their family or friends may say if they dared share the dreams they held inside, sliding between the sheets each night envisioning what could be but never uttering a word to the world. Holding tight to their jobs believing security in employment is a worthwhile goal; exchanging their very life for a job. Mesmerizing their own minds with the trivial entertainment of the television and the dribble Hollywood provides; watching others live their dreams, and perfect their crafts while theirs died on the vine. Cowards I say; living in the greatest land ever to exist on earth; a land where everything is possible to those who will not be stopped be the nay-sayers and dream killers.
There are three types of people in this world, he went on. Risk Takers; these are the pioneers of life. Care takers; these yappers’ are the nay-sayers who say to the Risk Takers it can’t be done, and then we have the Under Takers; the walking dead who are not yet in the ground.
I’m sorry for the tirade he sheepishly murmured. It’s just as I watch my family and friends waste their talents. As I listen to the rubbish that passes for conversation; it’s sobering to me knowing what gifts they have laying dormant within their hearts and minds. And they’re allowing the enemy, fear, to steal their very destiny; the very reason they were placed on this earth at this place in time. Shame upon shame, they too will contribute to the great wealth lying just beneath the soles of our feet.
“You don’t get what you deserve in life, you get what you design. Design a life that matters.”
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The One Who God See’s
Yesterday, during some prayer time, I realized I had been a bad boy. You see I pride myself as being a positive person. Well that’s not entirely true, I pride myself in being the most positive person who exists. Yet over the past few months I have become slowly but surely, internally, become very negative.
This is December 2008 for crying out loud. Looking at the news; the world’s political problems, the financial crisis, my unsold real estate investments, lack of income; circumstances could be much better to say the least. Yet, I’m not behind in my bills. Our giving to others has not decreased percentage wise at least. My wife and are in good health; our family is well, in fact we just had Gwendolyn Rose Collene added to our family three weeks ago. The dreams and desires I've had for years are taking shape right before my eyes because I'm working on me and what I was put here to do. Life is good; then why is it when I’m opening the mail box there’s almost an expectation of bad news in an envelope?
7:15 this morning the phone wakes me. Now for many of you 7:15 is not early; but I dare say receiving a phone call at that time of the day for anyone is rarely glad tidings of great joy. “Hello” I say in my best “of course I’ve been up since 5am voice”. “Hi Dad” from the phone, it’s my 32 year old son. Now you have to understand he and I don’t communicate very well or often. I didn’t express it, but I’m thinking; this is not good, what is it this time, how much do you want, are you OK, it doesn’t sound like he’s in a hospital or police station. As I listened he was telling me he was filling out employment applications and using me as a reference and wanted me to be aware someone may be calling me. Three good things at 7:15 in the morning; employment application, he’s up and he’s coherent. He’s an incredibly intelligent young man who hasn’t made many good decisions in his life, so this is a good day.
My son has, how can I say this; let’s say he’s been around the block a few times in his 32 years. He is the father of our first granddaughter, Kendle Irene Weaver, she’ll be six in a few weeks; she lives with his mother. How do I, his father see him.
Not always but about ninety percent of the time I see him, Eric Ryan Weaver, as a very accomplished entrepreneur. I see him happy and visiting us on the holidays with Kendle. I hear him telling me of his great plans and of about all the people he has helped this year. I see Eric as the man I know he is inside, the man God made him to be. That’s how I see my son, not how he is; how I know he will be.
If I, a very fallible human being, see’s the best there is to see in a person that is showing very little of what it is I see. Then how does in infinite loving God see a child of His whom he created in His own image. I’ll tell you what God sees, He sees the perfect Curtis Wayne Weaver, Jr. (yes CW). He sees Himself in CW. And if God sees me this way I need to get in alignment with His vision of me.
How dare I be negative because a little adversity shows up in my life? My circumstances do not change who I am. When I do well and all things in my small universe are running on all cylinders; am I a different person; of course not? Do I think I surprise God when I sin (no big theological discussions hear, let’s just agree sin is an action God wouldn’t do). Are we surprised when our own children lie to us? Pee running down their leg, “Did you pee yourself? No daddy; then what is that running down your leg? I don’t know, I didn’t do it.” We need to get a grip and know we’re not perfect. We strive for perfection and accept our best efforts and go on from there.
Pain, adversity, problem children, family members and co-workers; all blessings in disguise; all there to help us understand our own short comings and also understand how blessed we are. Answer me this, do we learn more from the successes in our lives or from our failures. If a football player runs 100 yards from one goal line to the other with no opposition, is there reason for celebration, of course not, we would laugh at such a person who would celebrate such actions. Now if that same person runs through and past eleven of the enemy; an enemy who weighs three hundred plus pounds and whose only desire is to smash his body into small pieces into the ground. When he can run, dodge, push and shove his way the entire hundred yards crashing through the opposition and then crosses the opposition’s goal line; now there is much reason to celebrate; jubilation deserved and we join in cheering his accomplishment.
Yes I have been a bad boy. Yesterday a spiritual switch was turned on inside of me that illuminated my mind’s eye to see the one I really am, not the one I FEEL LIKE I AM TODAY. To see yourself; don’t look at your checkbook, don’t look at the TV, don’t listen to those around you, don’t look in the mirror. You are a child of the living God, the creator of the universe, the mighty one who placed the planets in the heavens and the stars bright at night to see. He made you and me to be about taking care of those who are unable to see what we have the ability to see.
I’m fabulous, but I’ll get better.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Most Valuable Commodity
When we were kids, life was simple: you wake up, get ready for school, have breakfast, spend eight hours at school, go home, do homework, watch a little tv, then back to bed. The same routine happens the next day. All you gotta worry about is your home work, or a test the following day or the next.
Then we all grow up to be adults, with a job, with kids, our responsibilities magnified a hundred fold -- our chores and errands sometimes filling up to the brim. You wish a day was longer, or that you had a clone to do half the work that you're supposed to do. You feel burnt out. You cry out for a vacation, a break, anything!
Let's face reality: you cannot control time! What you have under control is yourself -- your behavoir during the day. Is procrastination your middle name? Are you cool and collected when things do not go according to what you have planned? Changing your actions and reactions during the day is the most effective way you can manage your time.
Here are some tips to help you become "time savvy:"
Know yourself.
The most successful way to start managing your time is to have an honest assessment of yourself. What are your strongest points? The things you do best? Most of the time, the work you need to do that utilizes your "best skills" will be done in less time than the others.
Evaluate yourself - do you find yourself always putting off work? Are you a perfectionist? How do you react when you don't get your work done? Taking note of these things will help you in recognizing the negative things that eat up your time during the day.
If you feel like you can't make an honest assessment of yourself, ask someone close to you, like your partner or even a fellow co-worker. Ask them to inform you how they can tell when you're overstressed. Some people fell that they're okay even if people around them can see that they're not.
Try to observe when you're tense. Sometimes, just simply taking note of tensed muscles will relax them.
Ask why.
Have a clear idea why you want to manage your time -- is it because you feel overworked? Or underproductive? Or do you feel that you're not spending enough time with your family anymore? Keeping the reason in mind will help you focus on managing your time effectively. Whenever you feel like giving up on work and putting it off the next day, just keep reminding yourself why you have to continue, today.
Set goals.
Setting realistic goals, that is. You have to tell yourself how much work you want to be done for a day; but make sure that you consider realistically how much work you can do. Remember, a day is only 24 hours. Even if you're the queen bee of organization, there's only so much that you can do. Accept that.
Recognize time-wasting deeds.
Are you guilty of wasting time on trivial things? Most of us are. You're planning to do your laundry right after checking your e-mail, but you spend too much time checking your e-mail, forwarding, writing your replies. Three hours later, you realize it's too late to do your laundry because it's time for dinner. You're going to postpone doing laundry until tomorrow, when you have other stuff planned to do. Like the laundry, your work piles up. Keeping in touch of course, is essential, but isn't it better to do that after finishing up with work?
Take note of the things that you waste your precious time with, and try to eliminate them. In time, you'll find yourself having the time to do such things.
Ignore interruptions.
It's Sunday, and you're rushing to do a presentation for Monday. Your sister calls you on your cell, and proceed to gab it up for four hours. After talking to her, you rush through the presentation, and sleep at dawn. You wake up two hours later, overtired, stressed, and completely unready for the presentation. Sounds familiar? Interruptions waste your time. You could maybe ask your sister to call you back once you've finished with work? So you could focus more on her, and not on the impending presentation.
You could also set a goal for yourself to avoid personal calls while working. It seems harsh, at first, but this will ensure you get your work done on time.
Put it on paper!
You do not only need to write down the things you need to be done, but one thing you have to put on paper is your goals. This will enable you to check back on them from time to time, and evaluate yourself if you're meeting your goals. Am I still avoiding my time-wasting activities? Check. Am I spending more time with my family? Check.
To do list.
First, a scratch. List all of the things you need to be done. Then, reread what you have written and start prioritizing. Put items on the NOW or HIGH PRIORITY list, and others on the LATER or LOW PRIORITY. Do the things on the "now list" in the morning, or as soon as possible. And when you do have time in the afternoon, do the "later list."
If, during the day, you realize that what you're doing on the "now list" is what you don't need to be doing at the moment, demote it to the "later list" and proceed to the next errand/work you have to do.
Set a time limit.
In each task, it's best to set a time limit on each of them. Of course, you have to know yourself in order to gauge how much time you need to spend on one errand. You can set an alarm in your cellular phone to warn you if you've spent the time you have set on the job. For example, setting one hour for grocery shopping. If you have an idea of how much time you need to spend in the market, you'll also minimize your time dawdling on the shelves and picking things that are not on your grocery list.
Be organized!
You cannot manage your time effectively if your files, or receipts, documents are not in order. You're on your way to the bank but you can't remember which drawers you have thrown your statements in. Then you waste more time hurriedly riffling through drawers around the house. Organization and time management go hand in hand.
10. Maximize your time.
If you know you're going to spend time waiting for a doctor's appointment, why not use that time to balance your checkbook, or maybe take a look at your daughter's term paper that she asked you to comment on? Realize that time is gold, and that you need to be productive each second.
Finally, once you've felt you're improving on managing your time -- give yourself a pat on a back. Maybe, set a time for a spa treatment or a quiet day at a park with your family -- as a gift to yourself, now that you're more productive, efficient, and happy.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Which Type Are You?
Author Kim Clement says there are 3 kinds of people;
Risk taker
Care taker
Risk Takers; these are the pioneers of life
Care takers; the nay sayers who say to the Risk Takers it can’t be done
Under takers; the walking dead who are not yet in the ground
Interpretations by “CW”
We are going to spend the remainder of our life in the future. No matter our age, the future is where we reside. To be Fabulous At 50 And Beyond, it’s the beyond on which I’d like to concentrate. If you’re 22 yrs old; it’s the years beyond your 22nd year that should to be your focus. Focusing on the future (goals or even better, plans) is what will pull you through the hard present circumstances that occur on your journey.
A journey is rarely a straight continuous route to your destination. The road gets flooded (a tragic death), rock slides (job loss) happen and detours need to be constructed. Detours are not stops. Detours are paths that need to be taken only to go around or through obstacles that pop up along the way. Commit to the journey with the knowledge that Life Happens, and I will not be stopped till the destination is reached.
How do you eat an elephant; one bite at a time? A journey begins with the first step. Something needs to change in our lives to move us from what we have been to where we desire to go. Jim Rohn states; “For things to change, first I must change.” Sounds so simple “CW” how do I start; action; the first bite, the first step? In this journey your initial action is exiting your old thinking.
Exodus; when the Israelites’ needed to change they needed to leave the old life behind and venture out to a new land. The old life was not a good life but the human condition is such that we sometimes choose to stand in squalor because at least we know what to expect when we rise in the morning. Change for the better may be good but it’s still very scary. The care takers and undertakers only see that life could get worse if they venture from the known into the unknown; so they remain in the wash of others who continue to control their life. The Israelites’ exited the old life and followed Moses’, not always comfortably; Moses’ led them to the Promised Land.
God said;”I know Moses’ and “CW” is no Moses’. Ok, Ok, I’m not Moses’. Remember the part about risk taking; there is a risk in following “CW” out of the mundane and into your personal Promised Land. Exodus the land of sameness year after year; remove yourself from the care takers and the undertakers. See yourself at the top of the museum steps, fists punching the sky in victory; you are the Rocky of your life. Give me permission to lead you in your exodus from the old into your Promised Land. And when the journey is at its end and the last liter of air leaves your body, a subtle smile forms on your lips as you say; “That was a frickn’ blast, thank you God”.
Our destination, by definition, lies in the beyond, the future. Fabulous At 50 And Beyond isn’t about age, it’s about preparing one’s self for the journey, the trip to a land where you’re capable of things that may now be unthinkable to you. Follow me into that calm place where all is possible. With a confidence gained by action you will accumulate knowledge and wealth so during the trip you gain the ability to give and support individuals, communities, cities and countries beyond your wildest imagination.
Three types of people;
the important thing is to understand we get to chose the type of person we are or we chose to become.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Make Up Your Mind
It is normal to feel emotionally low sometimes, especially during difficult and trying moments. To dwell in that condition, however, even when the storm has faded away, is unreasonable. Life is a mind game. You can either channel your mind to live your life the way you always want it to be or play puppet to the hands of cruel relentless fate.
They say you are what you eat.
That must also be true with your thoughts. You are what you think. What you think has a direct correlation to what you read, watch and listen too. Your will is an extremely powerful tool that can set the events that will ultimately happen in your life. Your resolve spells all the difference in the world you tread. It can either bring you success or misfortune. Therefore, the best way to do it is to make it work to your advantage. Learn to control your life through a consistently empowering strength of mind.
Think positive.
Do not ignore life’s harsh reality but always take each occasion with an optimistic mind. Yes, an awful lot of things can happen to your life but to let such unhealthy thoughts always preoccupy your mind is a sign of a weak resolve. Do not let your worries get the better of you. Events will happen if they must. If you can control them, well and good; if you cannot, there is no need to bother.
Read between the lines.
You need to learn to go beyond what seems to be and decipher what its genuine meaning is. The petty things that happen in your life might be opportunities for self-discovery and growth. The simplest things can sometimes bring about the most profound changes. Learn to read between the lines and unearth beauty even in the most unsightly circumstance. There has to be something more than just relentless malice. Life has got to be better than that. Concentration camp survivors learned this lesson the hard way. Nevertheless, they tried to squeeze the meaning of their suffering and let hope be their guiding light. They realized things happen for a reason.
Feed from positive sources.
When you were young, you probably thought once you are done with your formative years in school, education stops. You discovered it is not the case. You can never outgrow the need to educate yourself. Your experiences can get you through tough times, but they are not enough. You need to embrace other people’s experiences as well. Life is one big circle of humanity. Be one with the community. Contribute and share your personal knowledge. Study and hear out the rich history of successful people.
Make Up Your Mind to be the best you possible.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
People seem to have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. That is not true at all. The fact is, creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to consistently give out great results. If you don't practice harnessing creative thinking, this skill will very much atrophy into inexistence. But keep working and this skill will soon come to you in a snap.
So how do you unleash your creative thinking? Well, the first thing is to become a human leech. No, we're not talking about just sucking the blood out of every living being available, we're saying that you should take in as much knowledge and learning you can find. Read everything available -- good and bad, and keep your mind open to the infinite possibilities of the universe. The more you know, the more you'll want to know, and the more your faculty of wonder will be exercised. Prepare to be amazed at little facts that add a bit of color into your life.
Focus on a creative activity everyday. Yes, it's an effort. Even doodling is a creative activity. Don't let anything hinder you. Mindlessness may be a creative activity, but for people who are just starting out to unleash a little bit of creative thinking in their lives, it is helpful and encouraging to have concrete evidence, that, "hey, what I'm doing is getting somewhere." So why don't you try it. Practice drawing for a couple of minutes each day. Bring out your old camera and start snapping photos like crazy. Keep a journal and make a point to write in it religiously. Another cool idea is to write by describing something with your five senses. Try to avoid vague adjectives like "marvelous," "amazing," and "delicious." Before you know it, you'll have built yourself a tiny portfolio, and you'll be amazed at the growth you've undertaken after amassing all those works of art. Who knows, you might actually take to liking those things you do everyday. Pretty soon those things will become a part of you and you'll be addicted to these creative exercises.
Think out of the box -- or don't. Sometimes, constraints are actually a good thing. Limitations discipline you to work within your means. It enables you to be more resourceful. Creative freedom is great, but limitations enforce discipline.
Try something new everyday and let your experiences broaden your perspective. Explore a new district in your neighborhood. Spend an afternoon in a museum to which you've never been before. Chat up someone on the bus. Open up to the people around you. As you thrust yourself out of your comfort zone more and more each day, your sense of adventure grows and so does your zest for life. Think about it. When was the last time you did something for the first time? If it's been a while, I tell you, you've been missing out on a whole lot of experiences that could've added to your growth, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. Why don't you try bungee jumping today? Not only will you learn, but you will also have plenty of stories to share, enabling you to practice your storytelling skills and making you the life of the party.
Embrace insanity. No, not to the point of practically admitting yourself into the mental ward. As John Russell once said, "Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting." Exactly! Every creative thought was once deemed insanity by other "normal" people at one time or another. Luckily, that didn't stop the creative geniuses from standing by them. The thing is, sanity or being normal confines people to think... well, normally. Withink limits. Creativity is essentially breaking through barriers. Yes, this includes the bizzarre and the downright strange. I'm not saying that you yourself should develop a creative personality. That might go haywire. An example of a creative personality would be George Washington, who often rode into battle naked, or James Joyce, who wrote "Dubliners" with beetle juice for an intense fear of ink, or Albert Einstein, who thought his cat was a spy sent by his rival (or in thinking creatively in this case, the term could probably be "archnemesis.") It's important that your creativity doesn't get you detached from the real world completely.
I hope this article has inspired you to start thinking beyond your "limits." If you follow these steps pretty soon you'll be living a life full of interesting adventures. Unleashing your creative thinking will bring about a new zest for living life.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I am going to ask you to something very weird right now. First of all, I want you to listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative?
Now let's say you are walking down the street with these thoughts. Do you think anyone who would meet you would be able to tell you what’s on your mind?
The answer to number one is up to you. But, the answer number two can be pretty generic. Although people will not be able to tell you exactly what you think, they will more or less have an idea of how you are feeling.
Here's another question. When you enter a party filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen?
You know what? The answer to all these depends on your frame of mind.
Thoughts are very powerful. They affect your general attitude. The attitude you carry reflects on your appearance, too – unless, of course, you are a great actor.
And it doesn't end there. Your attitude can also affect people around you.
The type of attitude you carry depends on you. It can be either positive or negative.
Positive thoughts have a filling effect. They are admittedly invigorating. Plus, the people around the person carrying positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.
Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on other people. Aside from making you look gloomy and sad, negative thoughts can turn a festive gathering into a funeral wake.
A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.
We can also define attitude as the way of looking at the world. If you choose to focus on the negative things in the world, more or less you have a negative attitude brewing up. However, if you choose to focus on the positive things, you are more likely carry a positive attitude.
You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. For one, studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends. projecting a positive attitude also helps one to handle stress and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.
A positive attitude begins with a healthy self-image. If you will love the way you are and are satisfied, confident, and self-assured, you also make others are around feel the same way.
A negative attitude, on the other hand, has, of course, an opposite effect. So, carrying a negative attitude has a twofold drawback. You feel bad about yourself, and you make others feel the same way.
If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to feature healthy thoughts. This is probably very hard to do nowadays since, all around us, the media feeds us nothing but negative thoughts. A study shows that for every 14 things a parent says to his or her child, only one is positive. This is truly a saddening thought.
If you want a healthier outlook in life, you need to think happy thoughts, and you have to hear positive things as well. So, what can you do? Well, for starters, you could see a funny movie, you could play with children, spend some time telling jokes with friends. All these activities fill you with positive stimuli, which in turn promotes positive attitude.
Although it is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative things around us, you can still carry a positive attitude by focusing on the good things, the positive things in life.
And this positive attitude you now carry can be of benefit to other people. Sometimes when other people feel down, the thing people mostly do is try to give them advice. But sometimes, all they need is somebody to sit by them, and listen to them. If you have a positive attitude you may be able to cheer them up without even having to say anything.
If positive attitude is really great, why do people choose to adopt a negative attitude instead? One who carries a negative attitude may be actually sending a signal for attention. Before you get me wrong, feeling sad, angry, or gloomy is not wrong itself. But dwelling on these thoughts for far too long is not healthy either. There is a time to mourn.
As always, if you are beset by troubles, even in your darkest hour, focus on the good things in life, you will always have hope. Problems become something you can overcome.
You do not have much to lose by adopting a healthy, positive attitude. Studies show that such an attitude actually retards aging, makes you healthier, helps you develop a better stress coping mechanism, and has a very positive effect on all the people you meet every day. So, what's not to like about a positive attitude? Adopt one today.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Fabulous Sex
To have it, or not to have it; that is the question. And if you do was it worth it?
A reporter from Akron, Ohio asked me to contribute to a story;
Sex, Relationships Can Get Better With Age
After Kids Leave, Older Couples Need To Reconnect
You can see the entire article by clicking below:
Enjoy, and then enjoy;
Monday, November 9, 2009
God lives in You and Me
What God Wants From Us
God, the one substance, is trying to live and do and enjoy things through humanity. He is saying .I want hands to build wonderful structures, to play divine harmonies, to paint glorious pictures.
I want feet to run my errands, eyes to see my beauties, tongues to tell mighty truths about ME and to sing marvelous songs of My works, and so on.
All that there is of possibility is seeking expression through people. God wants those who can play music to have pianos and every other instrument and to have the means to cultivate their talents to the fullest extent. He wants those who can appreciate beauty to be able to surround themselves with beautiful things.
He wants those who can discern truth to have every opportunity to travel and observe. He wants those who can appreciate dress to be beautifully clothed, and those who can appreciate good food to be luxuriously fed.
He wants all these things because it is himself that enjoys and appreciates them; they are his creation. It is God who wants to play, and sing, and enjoy beauty, and proclaim truth, and wear fine clothes, and eat good foods. .It is God that worketh in you to will and to do, said the apostle Paul.
The desire you feel for riches is the infinite, seeking to express himself in you as he sought to find expression in a little boy at the piano.
So you need not hesitate to ask largely. Your part is to focus on and express that desire to God. And when someone asks you how you achieved such great things God wants the credit; because without God we are nothing; we are because He Is!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Who Influences You The Most?
When thinking of influence it is WORDS, whether written or spoken, that influence. And spoken words from an individual we deem important tends to have more sway with us than others. Words can work miracles; words can also destroy!
I influence me more than anyone else; you influence you. When we speak we also; in anything we hear we judge. In speaking critical, demeaning words, subconsciously I'm telling myself I'm a critical, demeaning person. When speaking pleasant, uplifting and positive words and phrases I'm supporting the view of myself that says I'm an individual that helps others and encourages them to do better.
In the last two years I've become very conscious of the times when it's necessary to correct or discipline or even criticize someone. I'm not always successful but I try to adhere to first saying something positive; second to deliver the critique and to finish on a positive supportive note. Words mean things and it's extremely important to choose carefully; ie: instead of "You're stupid", "You're a real asset to the organization; but that was a stupid thing you did and that's really not like you".
Thoughts.....Positive thoughts lead to...
Feelings.....Positive feelings lead to...
Actions.....Positive actions and positive words lead to...
Results.....Incredible benefiting results.
I will speak only words which are pure and
good and edifying to the hearer.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Be a Warrior in your LIFE
My eyes have seen the wonder
Of a new and glorious day!
I am knocking out the obstacles
That once got in my way!
I am lifting up my spirit
In the wondrous Warrior Way!
My Life is Growing STRONG!
In the beauty of the morning
I awake to new frontiers!
Where once was doubt and worry
I now overcome my fears!
I have Warrior mind and Warrior heart
Alive for all my years!
My Life keeps Growing STRONG!
Glory, Glory I’m a Warrior!
Glory, Glory I am Warrior!
He is Holy, I am Warrior!
My Life keeps Growing STRONG!
As the years go by
The wonder of the Warrior’s Life is dear.
It’s no surprise that Warrior’s strength
Increase’s through the years.
A Warrior gives with all their heart
And reaps the fruit that bears.
Warrior’s ever strong.
Glory, Glory I am Warrior!
Glory, Glory You are Warrior!
He is HOLY, We are Warrior’s!
Our Life keeps Growing STRONG!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Is There Room for God in the Marketplace?

I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed
The dies been cast, I've stepped over the line the decision has been made. I am a friend of Jesus Christ! I won't look back, let up, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense and my future is secure. I've finished, I'm done with low living, side walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, chincy giving and dwarfed goals. I no longer seek preeminence, position, promotions, plaudits or popularity. I now live by presence, lean by faith, love by patience, live by prayer, and labor by power. My pace is set, my gate is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my ways rough, my companions few, my guide reliable and my mission clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured, turned back , diluted, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the mass of mediocrity. I am a friend of Jesus! I must go till heaven returns, give until I drop, preach till I know, and work until He comes. And when He does come to get His own friends He'll have no problem recognizing me
If you will, keep me in your prayers.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.” More often than not, we think and believe that someone or rather, most people are better than us.- when in reality, the fact is, most people are more scared than we are.
You spot a totally eye-catching girl sitting by herself at a party, casually sipping on a glass of Asti Spumanti. You think to yourself, “she looks so perfectly calm and confident.” But if you could read thru her transparent mind, you would see a bunch of clouds of thoughts and you might just be amazed that she’s thinking “are people talking about why I am seated here alone?... Why don’t guys find me attractive? …I don’t like my ankles, they look too skinny… I wish I was as intelligent as my best friend.”
We look at a young business entrepreneur and say “Wooh… what else could he ask for?” He stares at himself at the mirror and murmur to himself, “I hate my big eyes… I wonder why my friends won’t talk to me… I hope mom and dad would still work things out.”
Isn’t it funny? We look at other people, envy them for looking so outrageously perfect and wish we could trade places with them, while they look at us and thinks of the same thing. We are insecure of other people who themselves are insecure of us. We suffer from low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and lose hope in self improvement because we are enveloped in quiet desperation.
Sometimes, you notice that you have an irritating habit like biting off your finger nails, having a foul mouth, and you – of all people, is the last to know. I have a friend who never gets tired of talking. And in most conversations, she is the only one who seems to be interested in the things she has to say. So all of our other friends tend to avoid the circles whenever she’s around, and she doesn’t notices how badly she became socially handicapped – gradually affecting the people in her environment.
One key to self improvement is to LISTEN and TALK to a trusted friend. Find a friend who you find comfort in expressing private feelings. Ask questions like “do you think I am ill-mannered?”, “Do I always sound so argumentative?”, “Do I talk too loud?”, “Does my breath smell?”, “Do I ever bore you when were together?”; in this way, the other person will know that you are interested in the process of self improvement. And the hardest part follows; listen to the criticism without becoming offended.
One of Whitney Houston’s songs says “Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.” True enough; in order to love others, you must love yourself too. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have.
Before telling other people some ways on how to improve themselves, let them see that you yourself are a representation and a product of self improvement. Self improvement helps to make us a better person. We can then inspire other people, and then the others will follow.
Stop thinking of yourself as second-rate being. Forget the repetitive thought of “If only I was richer… if only I was thinner”.......if only (fill in the blank). Accepting your true self is the first step to self improvement. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others only to find out at the end that we’ve got ten more reasons to envy them. Only compare yourself to the you you know you can be.
We all have our insecurities; nobody is perfect. We always wish we had better things, better features, better body parts, etc. But life need not to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves. Self improvement and loving yourself is not a matter of shouting to the whole world that you are perfect or that you are the best. It’s the virtue of acceptance and contentment. When we begin to improve ourselves, we then begin to feel more content and happy.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Self Improvement?
There is a great gap between hoping and wishing for a change to occur in your life, and aggressively pursuing the decision to initiate change in your life. You have or don't have everything in your life that you want; if you want it bad enough you make a decision to do what is needed.
You remember your New Year resolutions? These are not decisions, they are the products of wishful thinking. People who indulge in wishful thinking will probably not succeed in initiating change in their life. They believe that if the wishes come true they will become happier but the chances that that will happen are quite small. The odds are about as great as winning the lottery.
Decisions are quite different. A person who makes a decision is fed up with his current conditions and is willing to take steps to actively get what he or she wants. He or she is ready to do his homework, maybe consult a professional, create a plan of action, and then proceed to undertake extensive and consistent steps to make changes; For Things to Change first I Must change! Decisions require 100% of our commitment. We also have to be ready to make follow-up steps regardless of the demands on us.
Our current status in life is based on decisions we pursued in the past, or maybe the lack of it. Some people flit about from lackluster decision to bad decision or perhaps even dodge making decisions altogether. Such people find their lives have turned out not to their satisfaction but should realize that they could get the best out of their lives if they only chose to make the decision to change. It all starts with one decision.
Those who start changing their lives positively and and want reap greater success and happiness; there are many tools available to them. They may rely on coaching programs, seminars, audio programs and self-improvement books to help them through the process of change. The Internet and libraries have the wisdom of the world ready to be accessed at little or no cost.
The people who maintain control over their minds and their emotions are the ones who are the most fulfilled in this life. Such people have a conditioned response to make decisions – after they have decided, they do not reconsider their decision. Such people are always looking for ways to improve themselves and are aware that regardless how good they think they are, there is always room for improvement. Such people know that happiness and fulfillment is based on their consistent growth and contribution based on self-improvement ideas. They realize failure is just an educational process; you get up one more time than you get knocked down.
There is power behind a truly committed decision. This is the key to the self-improvement idea. But most of us find it hard to stick to a decision since life is a struggle to change our lives and steer our ship to the desired destination..
Take control of your decisions and you take control of your actions. A truly committed decision allows you to devote your energies to the outcome you envision in your mind.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
"Do it today, so you'll have it tomorrow." part 2
Many of us have made a decision to make improvements
And some have decided it's finally time to go after the
day on them and even proclaimed said dreams to friends and relatives.
Winter is a time when it's easy to fall back into old habits.
of the bear species and hibernate, not to wake up till spring.
It's easy to slide back into our COMFORT ZONES.
The long winter is about over. Light is shining for more hours each day.
Attack Spring at 100%
Act In Spite of FEAR
Be Willing To Do What's Hard
Be Larger Than Any Obstacle
Fulfill Your Mission
Make A Difference
You Have Important Work To Do
Add Value To Peoples Lives
Live Your Vision
Never Give Up
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"Do it today, so you'll have it tomorrow." part 1
If you know where that came from, not only are you of a
Our Danger ZONE.....as many of us have come to realize is our COMFORT.
For things to change..............first I must change.
Change is HARD!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Keep Your Word, Change Your Life
More consequences;
We attended many weekend events and seminars; MMI, Life directions, Train The Trainer, Seminar of The Century and Warrior Camp. Not to mention the Robert Allen and the Marshall Sylver events in between. By a great margin the largest bonus is each and everyone of you, my friends, that have entered our lives. My friend and partner, John Finn, I met at Life Directions. Many of you have and will continue to have incredible impact in my life. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. These past three years I have met the most wonderful and giving people of my life, I just stood and gave you all a "Standing Ovation", you deserve it.
3,655.5 miles (approximately) and about 3,000 with the top down (ooooooh, aaaaaaah, fabulous), 10 states and DC. I returned home in September 2007 from the most remarkable, enlightening and absolutely "Beautiful" road trip of my life. I drove from Maryland through DC, Virginia. Tennessee, Alabama to Biloxi Mississippi to pitch in again. It was great to see the area cleaner, but they still need lots of help. Except for homes it looks as if only about 5% has been rebuilt. The coastline is still a ghost town.
I then drove through Mississippi, Louisiana ( stopped to talk with a Trooper in Baton Rouge about his radar gun) to Dallas, Texas. Enjoyed 2 days at the foot of a "Master", Mr. Jim Rohn. At 77 years young he is still "The Philosopher of Business". He's a combination of Zig Ziglar, Billy Graham and Plato. When I grow up I want to be like Mr. Rohn.
Coming home through Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia was just wonderful. West to east; the rolling hills of Kentucky and the mountains of West Virginia were breath taking. We miss so much on airplanes.
Consequences don't have to be negative.
And I often ponder if I would have not been true to my word, "CW" would still just be plain old Curtis Weaver. A nice guy doing Ok but not going after the things of God. And like a wise man once said; my life would be, "I didn't have ten years experience, I had one years experience repeated ten times."
MY Word Is LAW, be TRUE to yourself, it's LIFE Changing